Wednesday, 20 April 2011

E - Resource: Sports Biomechanic

The International Society of Biomechanics in Sports is composed of members from all over the world with a common desire to study and understand human movement, especially as it relates to applied sports biomechanics.

The International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) was founded August 30, 1973 to promote the study of all areas of biomechanics at the international level, although special emphasis is given to the biomechanics of Human Movement.

Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics was founded in February 1996 to be a forum for biomechanists from all variety of disciplines, or areas of study, within Australia and New Zealand, to meet and communicate.

The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB)

BASES - The British Association of Sport and Exercise Science 

Canadian Society for Biomechanics

The European Society of Biomechanics was founded in 1976 in a meeting in Brussels with 20 scientists from 11 countries. It is now the largest Biomechanics society in Europe with over 500 members.
European Society of Biomechanics

German Society of Biomechanics

Societe de Biomecanique

Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics

This site serves as a resource for faculty and students who are interested in biomechanics classes with information on the internet.  There are currently links to over 50 classes.

Exploratorium - Sport science site is a great site for kids that includes articles on the science of baseball, cycling, skateboarding and ice hockey.

Ariel Dynamics Inc - online reference library includes biomechanics research articles and links to other relevant sites.

Launched in 1994, BioMechanics is a monthly newsmagazine dedicated to total body movement and medicine. Biomechanics reaches 36,000 sports medicine and body movement specialists in orthopedic surgery, physical therapy, clinical athletic training, O&P, podiatry, pedorthics, physiatry, rehab and occupational therapy. 


Applied Bionics and Biomechanics

Clinical Biomechanics

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

Footwear Science

Gait and Posture

Journal of Applied Physiology

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

Journal of Biomechanics

Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology

Journal of Experimental Biology

Journal of Applied Biomechanics

Sports Biomechanics