Now that you’ve made that resolution to have a fitter 2013, it’s time to
lace up your trainers and get moving. A great way to get into the
exercise groove is to listen to music, which will help to motivate you
through our workout. Music can help you ignore the aches and pains or
fatigue and also help regulate your pace. Science now tells us that
songs with the right characteristics can increase our exercise
performance by up to 20%. (Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology
31(1), p. 18-36 Author: Karageorghis
The article entitled “Ergogenic Tunes” (Canadian Running 2(5) July/Aug 2009, p. 30) provides a helpful chart of song selections from Rock, Pop, Soul/R&B and Classical music to help you reach a variety of exercise intensities. It’s important to find music that not only addresses your personal taste but provides lyrics and beats that match the intensity and length of your workout. Need help deciding what the right tempo is? Check out this chart which explain factors that go into selecting the appropriate beats per minute (BPM) for a variety of activities (walking, jogging, running, cycling, stairclimbers, ellipticals, and yoga/pilates).
Another way to freshen up your music is to ask your friends, colleagues and other fitness enthusiasts for their favorites.
Here are a few of the many websites out there that provide training and exercise oriented music:
Run2Rhythm (
Motion Traxx (
Article: Music in Sport and Exercise: An Update on Research and Application
The article entitled “Ergogenic Tunes” (Canadian Running 2(5) July/Aug 2009, p. 30) provides a helpful chart of song selections from Rock, Pop, Soul/R&B and Classical music to help you reach a variety of exercise intensities. It’s important to find music that not only addresses your personal taste but provides lyrics and beats that match the intensity and length of your workout. Need help deciding what the right tempo is? Check out this chart which explain factors that go into selecting the appropriate beats per minute (BPM) for a variety of activities (walking, jogging, running, cycling, stairclimbers, ellipticals, and yoga/pilates).
Another way to freshen up your music is to ask your friends, colleagues and other fitness enthusiasts for their favorites.
Here are a few of the many websites out there that provide training and exercise oriented music:
Run2Rhythm (
Motion Traxx (
Article: Music in Sport and Exercise: An Update on Research and Application