Tuesday, 17 March 2009

13th International Association for Sport Information World Congress

Building and Sustaining Sport Information Communities - through connectivity, collaboration and sharing

The world of sport information spans many geographic and cultural jurisdictions. The globalisation of information communications technology (ICT) is providing new collaboration opportunities across both developed and developing nations, and is transforming our relationships to data, information, and the way we share knowledge with others. The challenge for sport information communities today is how to best exploit this new era of ICT connectivity and its social networking environments.


The 13th World Congress has been organised around five sub themes:

  1. Online Collaboration Solutions for Sport Information Communities: A global sport information community becomes a reality through the creation and successful implementation of an online environment. Current web based technologies and the proliferation of electronic resources provide information professionals with the potential to engage their clients and key stakeholders in new and exciting ways. Here we will discuss social networking tools such as wikis and blogs, and consider other solutions to remotely access and share information and knowledge.
  2. Electronic Sport Information Resource Sharing: The globalisation of information communications technology (ICT) is transforming our relationships to data, information, and the way we share knowledge with others. Within this theme we will examine the issue of copyright in the digital world, the impact of open source publishing, access to multi-lingual resources, and the creation of collaborative partnerships and consortia in order to efficiently manage sport information resource acquisition and access.
  3. Information and Research Trends in High Performance Sport: Many high performance sport institutes and training centres around the world continue to invest in the systematic gathering and dissemination of sport related information with an aim to improve and sustain elite sport performance outcomes. Here we will examine the changing nature of this investment across competing institutes and nations, and discuss the key related areas of innovation, research, knowledge development and learning.
  4. Sport Performance Analysis Applications and Technology Solutions: Many high performance sports centres and institutes are making innovative use of longitudinal data within sophisticated digital asset management systems in order to seek a competitive advantage over their opponents. We will investigate and discuss this innovative approach to informatics and performance analysis, and the implications for sport information managers and technology facilitators.
  5. Knowledge Delivery, Online Libraries and Archives: The globalisation of sport information infers the active inclusion of knowledge delivery and access systems from disciplines outside the sport information realm. Here we will present case studies from a variety of sport and non-sport entities with an aim to enlighten, challenge, and motivate the listener.