Chicago 2016 Candidate File Delivered To IOC Thursday – Minor Changes
Olympic legend Jesse Owen's grandson Stuart Owen Rankin has delivered

The bid book reportedly contains only minor changes from its applicant file, which includes a decision to move the aquatics centre closer to the Olympic stadium to hold the swimming competition in a temporary pool and to move the shooting venue closer to the city.
Bid President Lori Healey said of the changes, "I think that really speaks to how solid the plan was to begin with. It's a lot of decisions about what do we want to highlight, what do we want to really focus on, how do we ensure the evaluation commission (visiting the city April 4-7) is aware of support for the bid throughout the city.
Chicago 2016 will be releasing an overview of the contents of the file on February 13.
The bid book "Chicago 2016" , "Madrid 2016", "Rio 2016" and "Tokyo 2016" now available @ Olympic Resource Centre for reference!
The Candidature File (available in English and French)
You can download the Candidature File that Tokyo 2016 submitted to International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 12 February 2009
Tokyo 2016’s Candidature File will be used as the basis for the IOC’s technical analysis of the Bid. The document consists of 17 themes, these are: 1) Vision, Legacy and Communication, 2) Concept, 3) Political & Economic Climate and Structure, 4) Legal Aspects, 5) Custom & Immigration formalities, 6) Environment & Meteorology, 7) Finance, 8) Marketing, 9) Sports & Venue, 10) Paralympic Games, 11) Olympic Village, 12) Medical service & doping control, 13) Security, 14) Accommodation, 15) Transport, 16) Technology, 17) Media operations. The information provided in the Candidate File includes text, tables, technical manuals, maps, and architectural plans of planned venues.
» Candidature File Volume1 Download (PDF 33.4MB)