Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Education (Elite Athletes) - Find out how to combine sport & studies.

As an elite athlete, it is sometimes difficult to be able to manage education and study whilst training and competing. Visit the following pages to read some advice on how to successfully combine sport and studies, including academic counselling, distance education and e-learning.

Research shows that athletes with an integrated approach of combining sport and education, life skills and employment opportunities are more likely to achieve their sporting goals, cope better with the workload and manage injury and retirement better. Elite athletes have commented that they have more confidence in what the future holds after sport when they pursue an integrated approach to their sport.

Education allows athletes to learn and acquire knowledge. Education can be via a formal or informal structure. Formal education will result in a recognised qualification, whereas informal education may not result in a qualification but may help to add to your experience and skills.

This fact sheets will help you to explore education options and provide tips and fact sheets to help you balance sport and study.

Need help with studying?
Active ways to study effectively
Organising your study for sports competitions
Studying while on tour
Note-taking skills
A guide to simple study definitions

Time management
Stop procrastinating
Making more time in your day
Organise your study time effectively
Keeping it together when the pressure increases
Things to do - snapshot of athlete commitments

Targeting - visualising the big picture
Scheduling - putting things in order
Prioritisation - getting the little things done

Academic counselling
Senior schooling - Issues to consider
Secondary study - Working with your school
A guide to selecting an athlete-receptive university

Looking at studying in another country?
Athlete relocation checklist

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 Source: International Olympic Committee