The Importance of Driving Distance and Driving Accuracy on the PGA and Champions Tours
Frederick Wiseman, Mohamed Habibullah, John Friar
Effect of dynamic versus static stretching in the warm-up on hamstring flexibility
Gayle Silveira, Mark Sayers, Gordon Waddington - Department of Health, Design and Science, University of CanberraA Coach's Responsibility: Learning How to Prepare Athletes for Peak Performance
Scott R. Johnson, Pamela J. Wojnar, William J. Price, Timothy J. Foley, Jordan R. Moon, Enrico N. Esposito, and Fred J. Cromartie
Is Controlling the Rushing or Passing Game the Key to NFL Victories?
Jeremy Arkes, Associate Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School
Factors that Influence African-American Millennials to Purchase Athletic Shoes
Dr. Robert Lyons Jr., Johnson C. Smith University; Dr. E. Newton Jackson Jr., University of North Florida; Dr. Annette Singleton-Jackson, Florida A & M University
Coping Skills and Self-efficacy as Predictors of Gymnastic Performance
Garifallia Daroglou
An Examination of Idaho High School Football Coaches’ General Understanding of Concussion
Caroline E. Faure, EdD, ATC; Cynthia Lee A. Pemberton, EdD
Women’s Perspectives of Personal Trainers: A Qualitative Study
Deana Melton, Ed.D., CSCS, HFS; Teresa K. Dail, Ph.D.; Jeffrey A. Katula, Ph.D.; Karen M. Mustian, Ph.D.