Monday, 13 July 2015

Maintaining Nutrition goals at Hari Raya.

#‎HARIRAYA‬ period is often seen as one of the hardest times to stick to a healthy eating lifestyle as we are constantly tempted by sweets, treats and just too much food in general. Whilst for elite athletes, sticking to a healthy diet whilst still enjoying the festive period can be a difficult balance to strike.

Here, we shares some top tips on how to stick to healthy eating throughout the #HARIRAYA period...

1. Don’t go to a "Open House" hungry

When we go to Hari Raya Open House, and there may be several in the lead up to #HARIRAYA, we are often tempted by tasty treat foods. Furthermore, we often eat a lot faster and more when we are hungry.

2. Go for the Good foods first

Fill your plate with good foods first.

3. Portion sizes

Your favorite calorie-laden foods are not completely off limits, but make the effort to enjoy them in smaller portions.

4. Eat several small meals a day

Do not skip meals and overindulge at one "Open House"! Have healthy snacks little and often and most importantly start your day with a healthy breakfast. This will make your holidays more enjoyable by stabilizing your blood sugar and energy levels. You will not spend the day being grumpy from not eating for hours, or be asleep for half the afternoon because you ate too much in one meal.

5. Influence the influencers!

The people around you can have a big impact on your nutrition. Whether it’s a family member or a friend, make them aware of your nutrition goals and aims. If they are aware of your targets they are much more likely to think twice before offering you that extra serve of dessert or pressure you in to doing what others around you are doing.

#HARIRAYA should not be a challenging time if sensible consideration and planning is implemented.

Find out how many calories are in the foods you eat...

Ketupat > 1 biji (80g) > 88
Ketupat Palas > 1 biji (80g) > 124
Lemang > 1 Potong (Sederhana) > 82
Lontong Sayur > 1 Mangkuk > 350
Soto Ayam > 1 Mangkuk > 403
Laksa > 1 Mangkuk > 550
Serunding Daging > 55g (1 genggam kecil) > 200
Serunding Ayam > 55g (1 genggam kecil) 180
Rendang Ayam > 1 ketul dgn kuah > 148
Rendang Daging > 2 potong sederhana dgn kuah > 112
Nasi putih > 1 genggam tangan > 150
Nasi Briyani > 1 Pinggan (2 genggam)> 487
Nasi Himpit > 5 potong > 150
Mee-hoon Goreng > 1 pinggan kecil > 295
Teh Tarik > 1 Gelas > 90
Nescafe Tarik > 1 Gelas > 100
Kopi-O Kosong > 1 Gelas > 2
Minuman Ringan > 1 Gelas > 85
Air Kosong > 11 Gelas > 0
Air Sirap > 1 Gelas > 85
Kuih Tart Nenas > 1 Tart Kecil > 50
Biskut Raya (secara am) > 1 biji > 25
Dodol > 1 potong > 71
Kuih Lapis > 1 potong > 132
Tapai Pulut > 1 biji > 134
Ais Krim > 1 scoop biasa > 95
Kurma > 1 biji besar > 60
Cheese Cake > 1 potong sederhana > 240
Kek Coklat (Fudge) > 1 potong sederhana > 250
Kek Coklat (Sponge) > 1 potong sederhana > 180